Day 43 - San Elijo State Beach to United States / Mexico Border - July 25, 2015

End of the Road - U.S. / Mexico Border

Today we all left camp at the same time. I think that there was a sense of togetherness on our final day of cycling. We ate breakfast at a local cafe and hit the road for a long day in the saddle.

The Morning After
Everyone had the Same Idea
We encountered several climbs before noon. The heat came on more quickly than I would have liked. Later, the breeze picked up, cooling and pushing us along at the same time. We moved through detailed bicycle maps in rapid succession. I counted them down, not really wanting the tour to end.

Neatly Packed

Nearing the border, we rolled past horse ranches as the heavy fences began to appear in the distance. I started to slow, taking it all in. Finally, I cycled up a short hill overlooking the ocean. The fence extended out into the water. An official in a border security truck stared out at the sea, intently watching for swimmers trying to cross the boundary. Looking up, I watched gulls freely surfing the sky.

For years, I've wanted to cycle the U. S. Pacific coast. I knew that this ride, like any grand adventure, would allow me to gain new perspectives unattainable by other means. I am certainly better for the experience.

Right now, I'm in the process of reflecting on this tour. In time, I will start narrowing the choices for my next extended adventure. I look forward to this.

Color Scheme

Writing about this trip has been a tool for reflecting on life in the moment. In the future, I will undoubtedly find it interesting to look back and, in a small way, relive the ride. I may also get a small glimpse at who I was while pedaling down the Pacific.

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